Roger Pawley RIP

It is my sad task to tell you that a former President of the Association, Roger Pawley died on Sunday 28 April 2024. His good friend Dennis Johnson writes:

Thank you. Sad news indeed; Roger will be sorely missed by Hazel and his many friends. He was a Life Member of the OAA and President in 2005.  He had a great interest and knowledge of nature too sharing such knowledge on many Rambles with the OARC, being Captain for many years and only ceasing that when hit by ill health. I had very many walks with him, both locally and long  distance. He was a competent map reader, bolstered by his binoculars which he usually carried, used to identify birds and animals as well as routes. He and Hazel were stalwarts of the Rambling Club keeping it active in lean times.

He is remembered as sociable and generous in his hospitality. I am grateful to have known him and will remember him as a good friend.

I attach a photo, a portrait that I think encapsulates the man.