Are you a former of the Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation, of the Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham College and its predecessor Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham Boys’ School? Would you like to be in touch with members past and present?
Our magazine is published twice yearly and is free to members. Any copy to Editor, Garry Bunce please. To contact Garry please use the contact form that can be found here.
Publication is MAY/NOV and copy is required at least one month in advance of those dates.
Our committee meets regularly during the year to organise events, to manage policy between General Meetings and to generate the Newsletter and the Magazine. Membership is currently £10 paid annually and for this you will receive our Newsletters and the Magazine
You will also have opportunities to meet up with friends old and new. If you would like to join up please download the application form here, and sent this to the address on the form.